Google Play Store: “App could not be downloaded due to an Error 492”

Sometimes Android users will get the “App could not be downloaded due to an error 492” error while trying to update or install an app from the Google Play Store. This market error seems to affect only few apps while other apps download or install just fine. Here are the steps you can take to solve this problem. For example, you experience this error while trying to install the Skype App. It might be easily solved by uninstalling and reinstalling in the Google Play Store.

Mostly the problem error 492 can be fixed by the following steps:

  1. Try to uninstall and reinstall the app. If that doesn’t work follow the steps below.
  2. Go to System Settings – Manage Applications – Select “All” tab;


  3. Now from all apps list, select Google Play Store and clear data and cache;


  4. Open Google Play and then try to update or install the app. It should work.
  5. If it doesn’t work, boot into recovery (Clockworkmod) and then Wipe cache and from advanced – Wipe Dalvik cache.

Note: This problem is common in case of Custom ROMs like Cyanogenmod. All customs ROMs have Clockworkmod so wiping cache shouldn’t be a problem.

Sometimes an error 492 appears if SD-card is broken. Thus if all steps above have been executed and the problem error 492 still remains, it is useful to format the SD-card and install apps.

About Gavin

Editor @ Gavin is a mechanical engineer by trade, but he's also a tech enthusiast. He spends his time working on Android-Fix and enjoys blogging about the latest trends in the mobile industry. His hobbies include cooking, traveling, and playing soccer with friends.

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