“App could not be downloaded due to an error 497” while updating apps in Google Play Store

The Google Play Store is the most widely used application on the market of the Android smartphones. Usually, it is already installed preliminarily onto the device, and it is possible to start at once the work with it. But sometimes, since the moment of the production of the apparatus, with the installation of the application, till the sale and, correspondingly, the start of the usage of the gadget, there elapses the certain time, during which the Google company manages to release the updated version of this app. In the case of the usage of the outdated version of the Google Play, there may emerge the problems, which are associated with the updating of the applications from the Store, and one of these problems is the Error 497.

The Error 497 occurs mostly during the attempt to update through the WiFi protocol the application, which has been installed. On the screen of the device, there emerges the message: “App could not be downloaded due to an Error 497”. This error emerges during the attempt of the updating of the major apps from the Google Play Store, such, for example, as the WhatsApp or Facebook. We hurry to calm the happy owners of the smartphones of the flagship level: it is unlikely, that you will encounter such situation on your own devices. But the budgetary models are vulnerable to this problem. For those people, which have got the nuisance in the form of the Error 497 during the process of the downloading or updating of the application from the Google Play, we are publishing the recommendations for the elimination of this error.

What are the methods, in order to correct the Error 497 on the Android devices?

The method # 1: To clear the cache and the data of the Google Play Store.

  1. Walk through the Settings – Apps;


  2. Select “All”, and find the Google Play Store;


  3. Push onto the “Clear cache” and “Clear data” button;


  4. Perform the analogous sequence of the actions for the Google Services Framework and Download Manager.


This is all, which should be done. Now try to update the application, the problem should be resolved. But if you see again on the screen the “App could not be downloaded due to an Error 497” message, then follow the recommendations, which are listed below.

The method # 2: The deletion of the Play Store Update.

  1. Walk through the Settings – Apps;


  2. Select “All”, and find the Google Play Store;


  3. You will see there the “Delete updates” option. Select it.


Now reboot your telephone, and make sure, that the problem has been resolved. Again the failure? Do not become frustrated, there also exist the other methods, in order to get rid of the Error 497.

The method # 3: The reinstallation of the application.
If the solutions, which are listed above, do not help, then you should reinstall the application for the correction of the Error 497 (“App could not be downloaded due to an Error 497”). But keep in mind, that this method implies the destruction of the application data (for example, of the progress during the game).

In order to reinstall the application, walk into the “Settings” – “Apps” – “All” section, and then select the application, which should be updated. Now push onto the “Delete” button. When the procedure of the deletion will be completed, go into the Google Play, and reinstall the application. At this time, the updated version will be installed for you automatically, and you will simply bypass the Error 497. If the problem continues to emerge for the other software even after the reinstallation of the application, then try to resolve the problem, using the method, which is listed below.

The method # 4: For the Android smartphones with the root privileges of the owner.
If you have encountered the Error 497 on the Android smartphone, for which you have got the privileges of the superuser, then delete the original APK, and reinstall the application from the Play Store. In order to perform this action, go into the root directory of your device with the help of the Root Explorer or other similar application. Now, go into the “/System/app” directory, and push onto the “Mount R/W”, in order to perform the deletion. (You can backup the “GoogleSearch.apk” file, by renaming it preliminarily into the “GoogleSearch.apk.backup” file). After the deletion of the APK, it should be installed again from the Google Play.

The alternative: The usage of any other market for the applications.
If none of the methods, which have been mentioned above, has helped to resolve the Error 497 problem, then there remains the only method, namely, to use any other market for the installation of the application for the Android.

If you have got any questions about the information, which has been narrated above, then you may ask them within your comments. We shall be grateful, if you will also share with us your own methods for the resolution of the problem, which is associated with the Error 497.

About Gavin

Editor @ android-fix.com. Gavin is a mechanical engineer by trade, but he's also a tech enthusiast. He spends his time working on Android-Fix and enjoys blogging about the latest trends in the mobile industry. His hobbies include cooking, traveling, and playing soccer with friends.